Currently this website is based on Drupal 10, it is mostly core with only a few usual must-have modules: Devel, Paragraphs, Token, Pathauto, Search API, Entityqueue, Svg Image, Field Group, Memcache API Integration and Gin Admin Theme. That would be all on top of the core, to work along smooth with this specific front-end solution. You can check composer.json file that is part of repository for a better overview. Additionally, we do implement CKEditor 5 (still experimental in Drupal core at the moment) that is just awesome! You can see it on Sign up form.
So all Drupal entities and the classic structure is the case here, even assets like logo images that are mostly SVG are parts of Media entities and registered in the system and loaded default way. There is no single item or protocol in the config and code here that could be out of most strict Drupal standards. Here is a few screenshots from this website admin UI.