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Swapcard module


October 2022

Recently contributed to Enables API connections with Swapcard, with a plugin manager for implementing its various callbacks. Swapcard is a modern web platform for managing all kind of events and related activities.

The module contains base module (API implementation) Swapcard as well as some sort of ready-to-use Swapcard Content module that creates and keeps in sync nodes of several possible content types in Drupal with source in Swapcard app. This includes mapping all default Swapcard fields as well as relations between entities, as it is in Swapcard web app. Additional Swapcard Content Media module adds possibility to sync various Swapcard images in our content.


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Swiper formatter module


April 2022

Recently contributed to Provides Drupal integration with the one of the most modern swiping/sliding libraries. Swiper is mobile first, layout and gestures wise, it provides great amount of options for designing your own widget and related events.


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Basic usage Examples

Four unique ways with two Field formatter plugins - Swiper images and Swiper markup as well as basic usage in Views with provided Swiper formatter style plugin. Includes go-over all the possible configurations, including a big number of Swiper's parameters and modules provided on config entity form from and info for site builders.

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Advanced site user


Advanced usage in Views examples

At least three different ways for using with Views, default one is covered in a previous video and here is two more: 1. Rendering swiper out of multiple value field (image in our example) from multiple nodes in sequential way; 2. Rendering swiper out of content view_mode with swiper field belonging to each of the items (i.e. nodes).

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Apache Solr logo

Apache Solr integration in Search API



A demonstration of Solr integration within Drupal Search API ecosystem as well as front-end solutions on top of that.

/* JavaScript factory */
/* PHP Drupal way */

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MailChimp API integration



Implements PHP library for v3 of the MailChimp API and provides composite Field plugin with FieldFormatter and FieldWidget as well as Block plugin. From MailChimp API and via custom composite Element which holds configuration data for both, plugins retrieve all the data from remote, such as Audiences, Groups, Fields etc. and relations between these. Either by field (render in twig template for instance) or as a block assigned to any region, we are able to render a MailChimp subscription forms (dynamic instance of standard Drupal Form) which we previously "build" for functionality and UI in mentioned configuration on entity form (as a field) or block plugin form.

/* \Drupal\[module]\Form */
/* \Drupal\[module]\Element */

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Upgrade Drupal 9 to 10 or 11

Basic stuff and Sources for now. To be continued...

# Install Composer Lenient for being able to place non-compatible packages.
# @see
composer require mglaman/composer-drupal-lenient
# To allow a package to have a lenient Drupal core version constraint, you must add it to: extra.drupal-lenient.allowed-list
composer config --merge --json extra.drupal-lenient.allowed-list '["drupal/token"]'
# Now you can require the module in question
composer require drupal/token:1.10.0
# Make sure you are at the project's root. Then, get and copy rector.php
composer require --dev palantirnet/drupal-rector
cp vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/rector.php .
# Run check, in this example for a particular module. Remove dry run when ready. 
vendor/bin/rector process web/modules/contrib/token --dry-run