April 2022
Recently contributed to Drupal.org. Provides Drupal integration with the one of the most modern swiping/sliding libraries. Swiper is mobile first, layout and gestures wise, it provides great amount of options for designing your own widget and related events.
Site user
Basic usage Examples
Four unique ways with two Field formatter plugins - Swiper images and Swiper markup as well as basic usage in Views with provided Swiper formatter style plugin. Includes go-over all the possible configurations, including a big number of Swiper's parameters and modules provided on config entity form from and info for site builders.
Advanced site user
Advanced usage in Views examples
At least three different ways for using with Views, default one is covered in a previous video and here is two more: 1. Rendering swiper out of multiple value field (image in our example) from multiple nodes in sequential way; 2. Rendering swiper out of content view_mode with swiper field belonging to each of the items (i.e. nodes).